workplace diversity scenarios for discussion
Book club. The first step to increasing workplace diversity is looking at your company's current makeup and culture. For example, employees with different backgrounds can brief what holy days or holidays are essential to them. You get off on the wrong foot with a new coworker. Perhaps you are a teacher, youth group facilitator, student affairs personnel or manage a team that works with an underserved population. Facilitators will be experiencing and addressing the feelings that come with confronting participants notions of identity, privilege, race and sexuality. Expedia's diversity video shows that the company welcomes people of all backgrounds . Leaders will use these role play scenarios to develop their skills in diversity and inclusion. The first type deals with identities that are part of a majority status or agent while the second includes identities that are part of the minority status or target.. temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field >, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, {display:block !important;}'; Some of these are generational differences, an aging workforce, lack of loyalty, difficulty to engage and attract new college graduates, the economic recession, and growing talent needs in some areas with meltdowns in others. Oppression is the result of the use of institutional privilege and power, wherein one person or group benefits at the expense of another. I have a hidden disability (physical or learning). Required fields are marked *. How does familiarity affect our perception of a words correctness? Do you know the ethnic origin of your name? I'd like you to stop." c) I have a different idea Scenario 4: Group Work You randomly assigned groups at the beginning of the semester, intended to stay together for the semester, to work on a University of Houston Diversity Education Guide. December 25, 2014. A lack of diverse leadership is a major problem in many workplaces. Participants can talk about how the workshop affected them personally and what they learned generally, but they should respect the privacy of the personal information of the other participants. Dont go about looking for a template somewhere because diversity is broad and people are different. Each story and poem is set up as an activ-ity that includes a brief discussion and several thought-provoking questions. Before beginning, its important that everyone have a basic understanding of two core concepts related to privilege and identity. From HBR's The Big Idea: This exercise highlights the similarities and differences between team members and helps colleagues find common ground. What are the norms for appearance/behavior? You can use this activity format to educate employees on diversity issues. To do this activity, first pick an assortment of products from diverse business owners. The deputy director of the association (who is her superior), who is a white male, gives the office manager the resume' of an acquaintance of his. DefinitionPrivilegeis a right or exemption from liability or duty granted as a special benefit or advantage. This can sometimes lead to frustration amongst employees and productivity loss. Plus, work from home employees tend to feel alienated more often than in-office counterparts, and a lack of attention to diversity issues can make employees feel even less of a sense of belonging. Not seen anyone who looks like me on TV while growing up. The group also gets its first look at the similarities and differences between participants, potentially in ways that reflect privilege and power. A truly inclusive business would take note of this and act accordingly. Work events are an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better. This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. Or, the team can meet up on Zoom and eat any type of food while discussing diversity issues and learning about relevant topics. For diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practitioners who are conducting workshops, a discussion about White privilege is imperative. Facebook|LinkedIn|Pinterest|Twitter. This activity requires everyone to step outside of his or her comfort zone. 1. 2023, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy, list of more work-safe Never Have I Ever prompts, diversity and inclusion activities for virtual teams, virtual diversity activities for the workplace, diversity and inclusion games for virtual teams, diversity and inclusion activities while working from home. Find the latest news and members-only resources that can help employers navigate in an uncertain economy. How might such issues/factors affect your relationships? This workshop is organized as a popular education activity where the majority of the outcomes are learned from the experiences and knowledge of the individuals participating rather than a teacher/student relationship. Shifting From Diversity and Inclusion to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Sometimes it is most effective for facilitators to share their stories first making yourself vulnerable will make others more comfortable doing the same. Be sure to leave time at the end of the session for questions, and if short on time or expecting a large turnout, then consider sending a form for question submissions prior to the call. Lunch and learns are one of the best remote diversity and inclusion ideas for work. Be sure to include a note about the business if their story is not already printed on the packaging, and encourage employees to continue to patronize the business if they enjoy the products. Working together to create a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable work environment centers on a theme we can all relate to- the desire and need to belong. 2) Self-directed work teams have been established to work on a number of new projects. When responses are in, put submissions into a word cloud generator. Employees can self-identify if they feel comfortable doing so. Taking that leap is a great opportunity to set the tone for inclusion throughout your organizationand a learning experience to take with you throughout life. Multicultural fair. DefinitionRace is a social construction that has real consequences and effects. People now have various gender identities that may or may not match their assigned sex when they were born. Workplace Culture. Here is a list of ideas to recognize diversity and foster inclusion in online offices. 3. The best way to talk about diversity and inclusion is through seminars, as well as personal organizational meetings, making use of diversity and inclusion discussion questions for a more engaging discussion. to your blog? Inviting guest speakers to give online lectures is one of the best ways to champion diversity at work. Hold Regular Culture Days. Reply. Social Justice Toolbox. For example, the team can take a virtual cooking class where an ethnic chef shows participants how to prepare meals from a specific country or for a certain occasion. These discussions aim to bring diverse groups of workers together in such a way that allows them to positively contribute to organizations by putting aside their differences and working together as a team. Unlike legislation that is implemented through sanctions, diversity management is a voluntary organizational action. Call Us: 800-299-3770 Fax: 508-651-2674 . The next step beyond this approach is to create leadership training and opportunities that welcome and encourage diverse team members to participate. How did you feel afterward? And it poses actual problems. I identify as undocumented or have a close family member who is. October 6, 2022. Players should try to get Bingo as many times as possible within the timespan. Been told to go back where you came from.. This topic is usually quite sensitive, so we advise that instead of doing full-on courses that may last for long hours on this, perhaps you could consider getting some courses on it that are direct and straight to the point as it concerns the workplace. Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. Try to remember that there Sexual orientation. Stage 1: Pouch the flattery, act like you didn't notice it and continue with support. This activity provides a glimpse into colleagues nonwork lives and helps teammates get to know and understand each other better. In diversity training seminars, it is necessary to pay attention to intentional inclusion. Anna Verasai. Understanding Privilege and Systems of Power: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Gender and Sexuality Workshop: Creating Gender-Free Nouns, Intersection Identity and Privilege: Crossing the Line. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are the fundamental pillars to safeguarding the mental health of employees. "I don't celebrate Kwanzaa," I answered, smiling. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. Online Master of Social Work (MSW) Curriculum, Awareness Activities, Critical Multicultural Pavilion, Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh (PDF, 94 KB), Writing for Change, Teaching Tolerance (PDF, 1 MB), A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, by Ronald Takaki. You need not comment on the contents of the bag. Need help with a specific HR issue like coronavirus or FLSA? Using an annotation feature or taking notes separately, players put the name of the corresponding coworker on the square. Master calendars are one of the simplest online diversity and inclusion moment ideas. Here is a list of diversity and inclusion books. Group DefinitionHave the group describe what they believe to be the definition of the terms gender and sexuality., ActivityCreating Gender-Free Nouns Source:Writing for Change, Teaching Tolerance (PDF, 1 MB). Disability are dimensions of diversity. Care packages are one of the most fun work from home diversity and inclusion activities. Once an agreement has been put forward, the facilitator should then ask for a definition of what that agreement means to ensure that there is a communal language. 1. What was it like not to be in the circle? Susanne Ricee. Virtual art galleries are one of the more creative online diversity and inclusion moment ideas. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. Here is a list of ideas to recognize diversity and foster inclusion in online offices. The community can give you a target for the diverse . Fostering diversity means acknowledging and understanding different viewpoints. Home; Recent Posts; Shop . You can also celebrate diversity virtually in more subtle and continuous ways, for example, by encouraging employees to post their pronouns or various group identities in their Slack headlines or email signatures. Quote of the Day is one of the easiest online diversity activities. Activities should focus on humanity, not facts in a vacuum. Everyone will have a chance to share and be heard by the group. Please share . Each scenario asks two general questions and one question that is specific to the context of the scenario. For example, do we think the words teachman or runman are more correct than teacher or runner? This is where Global & Cultural Effectiveness, one of the SHRM-defined HR competencies, comes into play. This can also mean providing time off during religious holidays. Once a month, select a title to read for the next meeting, perhaps by voting. Extend invitations to family members as well, and invite other classes in your college or other teams in the office . DEI training is hard to do effectively. 1. else if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-mena.aspx") > -1) { 25 Min Read. Introduction. Procedures should be put in place to ensure that the workers practice what was taught. This activity combines trivia, hands-on painting activities, and lots of team-building challenges, interwoven with themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Here are answers to common questions about virtual diversity and inclusion activities. Thank you for your feedback, you can definitely quote our content as far as you add a source link back to us. 4. Therefore it is important to note that part of this training will involve having diversity and inclusion discussion topics. Allow time for every participant to share (whether it be with the whole group or with their small group). ActivityUnpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. Any you wish had been asked? Unconscious bias training is needed when our minds tell us that people who think, act, and look similar to us are safer or better than those who do not. The diversity toolkit outlined here may be used as a guideline and can be modified to better fit your groups unique needs. Each month, you can read and discuss a book or article by a diverse author and/or about race, sexuality, disability, or creating equitable spaces. You just have to know what not to say and be as nice as you can be when talking. Target:Members of social identity groups who are discriminated against, marginalized, disenfranchised, oppressed, exploited by an oppressor and oppressors system of institutions without identity apart from the target group, and compartmentalized in defined roles. This practice can help team members build confidence and conviction. 2. For this version of the game, we suggest instead of team members taking turns making Never Have I Ever statements, a leader reads through the prompts one by one. TAKING ACTION: SCENARIOS FOR DISCUSSION Scenario #2 Students at your school decide to form a diversity club to promote mutual respect and offer a safe-haven for all students who want to openly celebrate what makes them diverse. Give the group at least a month to read the piece. Anti-racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Scenarios . } Characteristics of Diversity Management. ObjectiveThe objective of this activity is to help participants take stock of the multicultural diversity in their lives. if this okay with you. What did you learn? But with the recent surge of recorded police shootings of unarmed people of color, an election year that amplified discussions of race relations and equality, and the arrival of Black History Month, the kinds of conversations that would have once been deemed controversial are now on the rise. Provide health and wellness reimbursements. The virtual diversity and inclusion activities on this list are ideas to demonstrate the companys commitment to championing employee diversity and creating a welcoming and inclusive remote workplace for all employees. interest as yours and my users would truly benefit from a lot Voluntary. Pair and shares are virtual diversity team building activities that revolve around teammates talking to each other. I have or someone in my family has a physical disability. This shows that the advantages of D&I practices cannot be overemphasized. Suggested questions if participants need help getting started: Facilitators should encourage students to be creative. Experiencing Diversity: Experiential Exercises for use in Multicultural and Diversity Workshops Edited by Jeff E. Brooks-Harris, Lori E. Davis, & Rosemary E. Simmons Circles of Diversity GOAL: The goal of this exercise is to look at the ways that individuals feel both included and marginalized based on various identities and to simulate the Differential and unequal treatment is institutionalized and systematic. Diversity activities, also referred to as DEI activities (diversity, equity, and inclusion), are essential in keeping employee engagement high in the modern . }); if($('.container-footer').length > 1){ Your email address will not be published. For #1, change the scenario to a meeting of a small group working on a group presentation. Sharing firsthand experiences is an important part of building trust, spreading knowledge, and inspiring change. Diversity offers many benefits to both companies and employees, such as greater creativity and innovation . Institutional legal system, education system, public policy, hiring practices, media images. Recognize common diversity and inclusion related misconceptions 2. Participants who mark five squares in a row get Bingo. Then, challenge team members to find 1 to 4 things they all have in common, and 1 to 4 things that are different. If someones ideas are oppressive, should we still respect them? There is no legislation to coerce or government . ReadUnpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh (PDF, 94 KB), Watch and ListenYouTube clip:Tim Wise: On White Privilege. Neither members nor non-members may reproduce such samples in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book or use for a commercial purpose) without SHRMs permission. Understand when questions are hitting too close to home and encourage the person by giving answers from your own experience to the same questions youre asking. DiscussionWhat is privilege? This is a common diversity training topic and it is one of the most commonly discussed as well for a good reason. I identify myself as spiritual, but not religious. A note on facilitators: Facilitators should be well versed in the topics and themes we will be discussing, but they do not need to be experts. 2. For inspiration, here is a list of employee gift ideas. But deciding to engage in a productive manner will have a greater impact on workplace relationships than neglecting to do so. Diversity and inclusion topics and discussions may be a bit tricky, because these are matters concerning peoples values and belief systems, and you can trust that a lot of people hold these things close to heart. Here are 5 of the best diversity and inclusion videos I've seen (in random order): 1. Words mentioned more frequently will appear larger, and vice versa. For larger groups, you can break into multiple sessions with additional facilitators to ensure the conversations and activities remain focused. By Joy Oguntimein. This should not be confused with the biological male and female sexes. To request permission for specific items, click on the reuse permissions button on the page where you find the item. For instance, you can create employee resource group Slack channels, plan virtual team socials revolving around identity holidays, and share quotes and community happenings in team emails. Understand when the discussion is going off courseDont go overboard with the questions. This is not to say that some target statuses are more salient (for example, people can see I am a woman, or a Black woman, before they even speak with me) and others may be easier to conceal (for example, if I am lesbian). I identify myself as biracial, triracial, mixed-race or of combined heritage. This should be included in the training so that employees know how to accept these people whether they come as fellow workers or customers. An agent group has the power to define and name reality, and determine what is normal, real and correct. 2023 The University of Southern California for its USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Citation for this content: The MSW@USC, theonline Master of Social Work programat the University of Southern California. Stage 3: Point to your own and the customer's professionalism and politely ask him to focus on topics related to your service and products. Here are 10 activities to help improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace. Certainly, the nation has grown into a versatile land built on diversity of immigrants in the recent decades. I had enough growing up as a child (however you define enough). Storytelling Workshops are two hour training sessions led by a master of the craft. They will not be lectured or told what to believe. Conclusion. Team building content expert. I turned to my computer screen and pretended that this uncomfortable interaction never occurred. Lived in a country where I couldnt communicate with my native language. Encouraging (D&I) diversity discussions through dedicated meetings and/or company culture have proven to be very useful in bringing employees to a state of obligation to inclusivity in the workplace. 1. ObjectiveTo practice giving positive feedback and to have participants leave the workshop feeling energized. (For a full explanation of how each racial category is defined, refer to the U.S.Census About Race page). There has been tension between you two ever since, and now you need . Cultural diversity. Mariam Ganiyu, MA, is an HR competencies intern at SHRM. If your group is large, break into diverse small groups of five or six to make sure everyone has an opportunity to share their story. The first core concept is culture, which is: The second core concept is identity, which is: Age, gender, religious or spiritual affiliation, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status are all identities. Workforce Diversity in America. Supporting Gender Identity and Expression. Expedia's Inclusion & Diversity video has a strong message, "Everybody Always Everywhere" This video focuses on letting employees do their best work no matter their "identity groups". It is the first vital activity to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Content Expert at Unfortunately, such situations are not an anomaly for me and other people of diverse origins. After the allotted time, ask all participants to sit and open the discussion. Cross the Line. Representation can be even harder in remote offices because team members often do not see colleagues at all or interact with a small group of coworkers. Below we cite several resources to help you get started. If the speaker allows, then you can also post these talks publicly to raise more widespread awareness of these issues. It stems from fear and we may not even be the slightest bit aware of our actions. Communication barriers. Build specialized knowledge and expand your influence by earning a SHRM Specialty Credential. Building Belonging. It will also help them to be more receptive and understanding of their co-workers cultures. Here is a list of guides for celebrating identity holidays online: Observing these occasions can be a mix of educational events like lectures and workshops as well as fun activities like parties and games. "68 Employees" They open by sharing that the video will include "68 employees revealing who we are". Disciplinary action should be taken against falters. Hiring employees from a range of cultures and backgrounds has fantastic benefits for businesses; but can occasionally result in communication or language barriers within a team. You can look within your company, community, or recruit a subject matter expert from beyond your circle. The environmental insults, verbal or body language slights that come across to people as negative or hostile can lead to low morale and low self-esteem if allowed to carry on for long. Unconscious bias is usually perceived as one of the biggest disablers of diversity. Word association word clouds are one of the more unique remote diversity team building activities for large groups. Question: 6. What does it mean to you to show respect? How do you show respect to others? Rather than naming these rules that are then placed upon the group, we will call these agreements because these are the guidelines built by the group that all members agree to follow during the course of the workshop. Workplace Ethics Training Activity #3: Generate Ethical Dilemmas. ObjectiveThe objective of this activity is to confront entrenched systems of power and privilege, and identify common situations when privilege is not acknowledged, to the detriment of the disadvantaged and oppressed. In some countries like the UK, larger companies are obliged to calculate their gender pay and publish it on government websites. Modern organizations recognize that to be leaders in their industry, they need a workforce that represents the society in which it exists, and the clientele that it serves. List of virtual diversity and inclusion activities. Here is a list of more work-safe Never Have I Ever prompts. If the room is too small to have each participant standing shoulder to shoulder, an alternative is to have the group stand in a circle and step into the circle. b) Use an "I" statement: "I didn't find that joke funny. Thank you for your comment, you are very much welcome to come back :). 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