Here are the answers, or keys to find them.

  1. Second book in Bible: Exodus.
  2. Last book in Bible: Revelation.
  3. Author of about half of Psalms: David.
  4. Author of 13 NT books: Paul.
  5. History of early church: Acts.
  6. Son of Jacob: Any of the 12 listed in Genesis 49:1-28.
  7. King of Israel: Saul, David, Solomon, or those chronicled in I Kings 12 through II Kings 25.
  8. OT prophet: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Elijah, or any from Hosea through Malachi.
  9. First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3).
  10. Companion of Paul: Silas, Barnabas, Timothy, Titus, Luke, etc.; see book of Acts.
  11. Beatitudes: Read Matthew 5: 3-12.
  12. Mary and Martha’s brother: Lazarus. (John 11).
  13. Fourth Gospel: John, the Apostle.
  14. Golden Rule: Matthew 7:12.

How did you do? The average church member gets nine of them correct. Have you put yourself on a program for continued Bible reading? It’s a great book.